Terms of Use

Hey there! Welcome to the Bailey Nelson website. This page explains a bit about the Site and governs the relationship between us. It’s a legal document, so read it carefully.

We’re based at 24 East 4th Avenue, Vancouver, BC, V5T 1EB. We’d invite you to come and say hi, but our office isn’t a show room and we think you’d have a heap more fun visiting one of our stores.

You are a person viewing the website (otherwise, how are you reading this?). Hopefully you’re keen to buy some glasses!

This website is operated by Bailey Nelson Inc. If you’re wondering where we got that name from, it’s a little pocket of Bondi where our founders were living when they created Bailey Nelson. For the purposes of this contract, we’ll refer to “us”, “we” and “Bailey Nelson” interchangeably. Likewise, when we say the “site” we’re also referring to the services that are provided through it.

Legal stuff can be confusing, so if you don’t understand these terms, reach out to us at hello@baileynelson.com and we’ll do our best to explain things. In the meantime, or if you do not agree to these terms, please don’t use the site. If you do keep using the site, that constitutes agreement of these Terms, and additional terms, guidelines, documents, policies or rules that are referred to in these Terms.

We Reserve the Right to Update and Revise These Terms of Use at Any Time

As Ferris Beuller once said, “Life moves pretty fast, if you don’t stop and look around once in a while you might miss it”. We’re almost totally sure that he wasn’t talking about contract law. Nonetheless, our business also moves pretty fast so we may update these terms from time to time without any notice. For that reason, check these terms regularly. As above, continued use of the Site means that you accept any new or updated Terms.


We don’t want anyone to get in trouble by shopping for specs, so to be clear: you can only use this Site so long as you are legally able to do so in your state or territory and country. By using the Site, you warrant that you meet the eligibility criteria in these Terms. We may still forbid anyone from using the Site for any reason, or for no reason. 

You must also be an adult, but if you’re under eighteen (or the age of majority in your locale), then please feel free to have your parent or legal guardian use the Site for you. 

To ensure that our customer experience remains the best it can be, Bailey Nelson only sells its products through our own stores. For the same reason, this Site is only to be used for personal, non-commercial use, and not for the use of any third party (unless you’re a parent or guardian using the site for your child).


This document is already long enough without the text of our privacy policy, which is available here. It describes how we use and collect and deal with your information, so have a read.

Account registration

You can browse the Site without creating an Account, but as we are selling medical products, we may require you to create an account to access certain functions of the Site. As the person creating the Account, you take on sole responsibility for anything that happens through the use of that Account. When you are creating your account, make sure you use a secure password (this comic explains what makes a secure password pretty well) and all the details that you enter are accurate.

In the same way that you wouldn’t share your housekeys, do not share your account information or password. You’re solely responsible for any consequences of not securing your account.

We’ll be sad to see you go, but if you would like to delete your account for any reason, just email privacy@baileynelson.com and we’ll do that for you.

Intellectual Property

Unless otherwise indicated, Bailey Nelson owns all copyright of the Content on the Site.  All registered or unregistered trademarks used on the Website are the property of their respective owners (like the Instagram symbol at the bottom of the page — go follow us!). All copyright, data, text, software, images, graphics, trademarks, logos, interfaces, photographs, videos and other intellectual property (Content) on the Website is owned, controlled by, or licensed to us. Except for viewing the Content for your own personal non-commercial use, we do not grant you any rights to use the Site or Content unless you email us and get written permission. 

If you would like permission to reproduce our Content, email hello@baileynelson.com We can’t guarantee that we’ll grant permission — it’s totally up to the discretion of our lovely social team — but we usually say yes. All grants of permission will be in writing, and that is the only valid form.

If we do grant permission to use any of our Content, it is on the following terms.

So long as you agree to only use our Content for the purposes that we set out in our written permission, we grant you a non-transferable, non-exclusive, royalty-free limited license to use the Content specified in our written permission for the sole purpose and only for the materials set forth therein. Whenever you use the Content, you must note that it is our Content and may be trademarked or subject to our copyright.

If we do provide you with a license to use our Content, it is on an ‘as is’ basis and we disclaim any warranties related to your use of our Content. You agree to indemnify us and hold us harmless for any claims arising out of your use of the Content. That means we’re not liable for any claims arising out of your use of our Content, including any that we may have been or should have been aware of. If you use the Content, it’s at your risk. By the same token, it’s only for your benefit — not for any third party. 

Other items in these Terms that ought to apply to this license do so, including without limitation those relating to choice of laws, severability, waivers and arbitration. We may also change or revoke this License at any time at our sole discretion and with no warning.

Site Access

There are some things that are 100% Not Okay (we’ve capitalized words on this page where they have a special meaning, but in this case we’re just doing it for emphasis) to do on or with the Site. You agree and covenant not to do any of these things, and we’ll vigorously pursue our rights against anyone who disobeys this provision, including notifying the relevant authorities if applicable. 

  • Harvest, scrape or in any other way extract data from or on this Site or its users, using an automated, manual or other process process.
  • Resell or make any commercial use of the Site or any Site content.
  • Modify, adapt, translate, reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble or convert into human readable form any of the Site content not intended to be so read, including using or directly viewing the underlying HTML or other code from the Services except as interpreted and displayed in a web browser;
  • Mirror, copy, imitate, download or store the Site or any Site content by any means, including but not limited to electronic, manual, mechanical or otherwise.
  • Harass, threaten, intimidate, mock, ridicule or in any other way make someone else feel uncomfortable through or using the Site.
  • Do anything that imposes an unreasonable or disproportionately large load on the Site, or interferes or disrupts the Site or any network or other website connected to the Site or owned or controlled or used by Bailey Nelson.
  • Breach the security of the Site, test or scan the vulnerability of the Site, or make any unauthorized modifications to the Site.

Copyright Infringement

If you believe that something on our site infringes on a work in which you or a person you represent holds copyright, then let us know. As a creative brand, copyright is something that we take seriously. To inform us of a potential infringement, email hello@baileynelson.com with “Potential Copyright Infringement” in the subject line. We get a lot of emails, and that’ll make sure the matter gets the attention it deserves. Also, in determining whether there is infringing content on our Site, it really helps us to know the name and contact information of the person who owns the original copyright, what the work in question is and where it is located on our Site, so please include that.


No waiver by us of any default of yours under these Terms and Conditions shall operate or be construed as a waiver by us of any future defaults, whether of a like or different character. No granting of time or other forbearance or indulgence by us to you shall in any way release, discharge or otherwise affect your liability under these Terms and Conditions.

Governing Law

We’re a Sydney company, but we respect the way things are done here, so these Terms (and all non-contractual relationships between you and us) are to be governed by and construed in accordance with the law of British Columbia and both parties hereby submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of British Columbia.


If there ends up being a dispute under or in relation to these Terms (and we really hope there won’t be) then the parties agree to negotiate about it in good faith. Step one is to notify us of any dispute at hello@baileynelson.com. If we are unable to resolve the dispute by informal negotiations, the dispute shall be submitted to arbitration for final under the Rules of the British Columbia International Commercial Arbitration Centre (that’s a professional body that works out problems for people).  The appointing authorities shall be the British Columbia International Commercial Arbitration Centre.  The case shall be administered by the British Columbia International Commercial Arbitration Centre in accordance with its "Procedures for Cases Under the BCICAC Rules." The place of arbitration shall be Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.


If it turns out that any part of these Terms are invalid, void, or for any reason unenforceable, that term will be deemed severable and limited or eliminated to the minimum extent necessary. The limitation or elimination of the term will not affect any other terms. In other words, this is a legal document, not a game of dominos.

Entire Agreement

These Terms constitute the entire agreement between you and us, and supersede all other communications and proposals (including previous version of these Terms), whether electronic, oral or written with respect to this Site. Any rights not expressly granted in these Terms are reserved by us.

Third Party Content

The internet can be a pretty wild place. Any third party content on our site or links to that content are provided for you at your own risk and we disclaim all liability arising out of your use of any third party content. We do not make any representations as to the content of third party sites, even where we link to those sites. Use of those sites may entail acceptance of other terms and conditions particular to those sites.

If you do run into any problems with a third party site, then feel free to let us know at hello@baileynelson.com and we may review our decision to link to any third party site. However, we are not obligated to do so and any decision to link to a third party is solely at our discretion.  

If any damage or loss results from your use of, reliance on, or any other connection between you and any content that any third party makes available, you acknowledge and agree that we are not responsible or liable, directly or indirectly. When you access third party resources on the Internet, you do so at your own risk.

Limitation of Liability

Ahem, here we go. This is a bit that uses some unavoidably legal language, so please forgive us.

This clause prevails over all other clauses to the extent of any inconsistency, and states our entire liability for any claim or cause of action arising out of or in relation to these Terms. Nothing in this clause is to be taken to override or interfere with your statutory rights as a consumer under any relevant legislation.

Subject to the proceeding "Warranty" clauses and to the fullest extent permitted by law, the liability of Bailey Nelson for any loss or damage suffered by you as a result of Bailey Nelson breaching its obligations under these terms or any other tortious duty (including arising by reason of defects in the products) is limited to a refund or replacement of the relevant products.


You indemnify and hold Bailey Nelson and our related entities, affiliates, and our and their respective officers, agents, and employees, harmless from and against any and all claims, demands, proceedings, losses and damages (actual, special, aggravated and consequential) of every kind and nature, known and unknown, including reasonable legal fees, made by any third party due to or arising out of your breach of these Terms or your breach of any law or the rights of a third party.

Electronic Communication

We like to think we’re a pretty modern company, and even though the internet is hardly new (hello, Tim Berners-Lee) we do think it’s a heap better than communicating via fax machine or snail mail. So — we both agree that any communications in relation to or on the Site may be electronic and will have the same effect as physical written communication (we might still fire up the fax or send a letter if we need to, but it’ll be mostly online). 

Purchasing from Bailey Nelson

Prices and GST

All prices are expressed in Canadian dollars. If you somehow manage to order products from our site to an overseas address (not something that we allow) then you are solely responsible for all customs, import, excise or tariffs charges and taxes. If you’re in Canada and ordering to Canada, then no worries!

We try to make sure that the prices on our site are accurate, but we can’t guarantee that that’ll be the case. If we spot an error or need to make a change for some other reason, we reserve the right to do so without any notice. 

Vouchers, Gift Cards and Discounts

Gift Cards are great. Our Gift Cards come in fun colours, have somewhat witty phrases on them and entitle the holder to goods/services equal to the value stated on the card or remaining after partial redemption. Gift Cards are redeemable within any Bailey Nelson store in Canada (not overseas). Gift Cards may not be exchanged (wholly or partly) for cash. Gift Cards are partially redeemable and any unused balance will remain on the Card and cannot be redeemed for cash. If you purchase something on a Gift Card and then later return the product, the purchase price will only be refunded back onto the Gift Card, which will retain its original expiry date. If the card holder's order exceeds the amount of the Gift Card, the Card holder will be required to pay for the difference in price between the value of the Gift Card and the retail price of the goods or services. Bailey Nelson gift cards are valid for one year from the date of purchase.

Should we suspect any fraud relating to a Gift Card, we may refuse to redeem the Card until we are satisfied that no fraud has occurred. We are not liable for any lost/stolen Gift Cards. Please contact hello@baileynelson.com immediately if your Card has been lost/stolen. Lost/stolen Cards can only be replaced if satisfactory proof of purchase is provided and the Card has not been redeemed.

Sometimes, we offer discounted prices on our site. These are at our sole discretion and may change without notice.

On some occasions, we also may offer discount codes that entitle a person or class of persons to a special price or offer. These codes are only to be used by the intended bearer and for the purpose indicated when the code is distributed by Bailey Nelson. We reserve the right to cancel any codes or modify the price or offer to which the bearer would otherwise be entitled for any reason and without any notice. If you are given a code for a particular purpose, you agree not to share that code with any other person and acknowledge that if it is redeemed by a person other than you, then you may not be entitled to redeem the code (in other words, it’s like an exclusive invitation to a party with limited capacity. If you give it to a friend, you might not get in. Sorry Homer.) Bailey Nelson vouchers can only be used on Bailey Nelson products, and cannot be use towards contact lenses or optometry services.

Sale Items

The advertised price includes standard 1.5 index optical lenses (for optical frames) or non-prescription polarized sun lenses in the default colour (for sunglasses). Additional charges apply for high index optical lenses, lens extras such as transition or blue light filter, custom-coloured polarized lenses, and prescription polarized lenses. Additional charges may apply for prescription tinted lenses; please contact us for more details.

Sale items are sold on a firm sale basis, and no refund or exchange applies for change of mind, including - but not limited to - frame colour, lens colour, lens style, and size. No further discounts apply, and sale items are not valid for purchase with other offers/discounts. 

All sale purchases are subject to availability. A customer service representative will be in touch with you if we are unable to complete your order.


When you order from us, we need a bunch of information to ensure that your order is completed correctly. By submitting the information requested, you warrant that it is accurate and complete. If you’re ordering a product that requires a prescription, then you warrant that the information you are entering comes from a non-expired prescription that was validly provided to you by an eligible optometrist or ophthalmologist. You also agree to have Bailey Nelson contact your optometrist or ophthalmologist on your behalf to confirm your prescription or check missing information and for Bailey Nelson to share such information with your optometrist or ophthalmologist as is necessary for that purpose (like lawyers, lots of doctors have bad handwriting, so this happens more than you think!). Bailey Nelson Online cannot process orders using expired or incomplete prescriptions, and you agree that Bailey Nelson will not be held responsible for delays resulting from incomplete or inaccurate information provided with your order.

Formation of Contract

There are heaps of products on our website, but they aren’t offers in a contractual sense. Instead, they’re advertisements. Once you submit an online order, including payment, then that constitutes an offer to purchase from you (and gets you one step closer to a pair of BNs!) subject to these Terms. If we accept your offer, which we’ll indicate by dispatching the product to you and informing you of that fact via email, this will result in a binding contract between you and us that incorporates these Terms. 

Once you’ve offered to purchase the Products, we’ll let you know if there are any unavailabilities or pricing changes. As Bailey Nelson creates only limited runs of each of its styles, we do run out of certain frames from time to time. Similarly, depending on your prescription, we may be unable to fulfil an order using your selected lens and frame combination. If that happens, we may offer to substitute your selected products for others that are similar, or meet your needs even better. At that point, you’ll have the opportunity to confirm our suggested changes or cancel your order and receive a full refund. If you accept the substitution for a higher priced item, then you’ll be responsible for paying the difference. 


We may offer Products on a subscription basis (keep an eye out). If we do so, you will be informed on the billing period, cost and duration of your subscription before you agree to the subscription. 

You will first receive a trail period. The term of that trial period will be indicated to you before you sign up. At the conclusion of the trial period, unless you have indicated to us through our Site that you would like to cancel your trial, you indicate that you agree to the subscription subject to these terms. At that point, your chosen payment method will be billed for the price of one period of the subscription. You must ensure that your chosen payment method has sufficient funds to enable payment of your ongoing subscription and, if you change your credit card or other payment method, inform us of the new method. If you dispute any payment, you must inform us at hello@baileynelson.com within 60 days of the payment charge. 

If we change the prices of the Products offered through the subscription service, we will provide you with at least thirty (30) days notice before the new price comes into effect if the price is being increased. If we’re lowering the price, we presume you’ll be delighted so we might give a bit less notice. 

If you would like to cancel your subscription at any point, we will make available a facility to cancel either through this Site or by contacting us or both. We may require a notice period before cancellation which will be indicated to you at the point at which you sign up to the subscription. Your subscription payments will be handled by a third party provider.

Once you have paid for each billing period, you will be issued with a tax invoice either via this Site or email stating all relevant details.

If the subscription is for prescription products, you must inform Bailey Nelson if your prescription changes or becomes expired to ensure that we can deliver the best quality eyecare to you.

We reserve the right to cancel the subscription at any time. If we have not yet dispatched any paid product to you in the event that we do cancel the subscription, we will refund you any payments that you have made towards that undelivered product. 

Postage and Shipping

We can only ship to postal addresses in Canada and the United States. If you’re overseas, check out Bailey Nelson Australia or New Zealand. If you aren’t in one of those countries, then unfortunately we can’t ship to you (it’s probably because of customs regulations or shipping issues), but keep an eye out — we’re keen to bring BN to new places down the line. 

Every BN order is dispatched through Canada Post with a tracking number so that you can track its progress. If you have any issues with delivery, get in touch with Canada Post and they’ll do their best to help out. While we’ll do our best to answer any delivery questions, Canada Post is an independent company, so they are responsible for the delivery of your Purchase.


Non-prescription sunglasses and accessories: It’ll break our hearts, but you can cancel your order up until it is shipped to you at no charge. To do so, email hello@baileynelson.com with your name and contact details and your order number. If everything is in order, we’ll provide a full refund in accordance with these Terms. 

Prescription optical glasses: You can cancel your order up until production begins at the lab. As all prescription products are final sale, orders that have begun production at the lab cannot be cancelled. Please contact our team at hello@baileynelson.com with your name, contact details and your order number to learn if you order is eligible for cancellation.

Non-prescription optical glasses: You can cancel your order up until production begins at the lab. Cancellations requests for orders that have begun production at the lab will be processed as a return. Please contact us at hello@baileynelson.com with your name, contact details and your order number. If everything is in order, we’ll provide a full refund in accordance with these Terms. 

Refunds and Returns

Our policies with respect to refunds and returns are governed according to our Refunds and Returns policy (that you can access on the Site), which is incorporated into these Terms of Use.

Multi Pair Offers

Additional costs may apply for high index lenses, prescription sun lenses, polarized lenses and lens add-ons. This offer is not available in conjunction with any other offer or discount. This offer is not applicable on discounted or sale items. This offer cannot be split across two customer profiles or redeemed in separate transactions. Prescription purchases must include a valid prescription; expired prescriptions will not be accepted

In case of a return for multi-pair offers, the promotion or lesser of the two will be refunded.

Product Warranty

We want you to be incredibly happy with any product that you order from BN, but on the off chance that something goes wrong, here’s our warranty policy (Note that this is our full warranty and aside for this section, to the fullest extent permitted by law, Bailey Nelson gives no warranty in respect of the products we provide).

We’ll replace or repair any Bailey Nelson product within one year of purchase. To conserve resources, we repair products where we can, but it’s up to us. We’ll replace or repair any Product that has become damaged as a result of any manufacturing or material defect in the product, but we will not repair minor damage that occurs as a result of ordinary use (so if you go rock climbing with your specs and get some scratches on the acetate, then chalk that up to adding character — we probably can’t fix it for you). This warranty applies to frames, lenses, chains, cleaning cloths and cases that are sold by Bailey Nelson. It does not apply to cleaning cloths or cases that are provided by us for free with your purchase of another Product, or to any consumable products, including lens sprays.  

To request a return, email us at hello@baileynelson.com. Please include your full name and contact details, your order number, a photo of the Product and a description of what the fault or damage you think has happened to it. 

In addition to the above, you may be entitled to additional rights by provincial consumer protection laws.  If you would like to enquire about your rights, email us at hello@baileynelson.com or head to your provincial service provider’s website.


© Bailey Nelson 2024